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  • Frontiersmen Camping Fellowship Handbook, 2021 Edition
Frontiersmen Camping Fellowship Handbook, 2021 Edition
Frontiersmen Camping Fellowship Handbook, 2021 Edition
Item: 020540
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Frontiersmen Camping Fellowship Handbook, 2021 Edition: Living the Wilderness Experience

Frontiersmen Camping Fellowship (FCF) is a special program of Royal Rangers that provides boys and men with additional opportunities to develop specialized outdoor skills based on the lore and traditions of the early American frontiersman.

This handbook provides a complete overview of the FCF program, including its history, purpose, leadership structure, membership, trappers brigade, and Pathfinder missions.

An FCF logbook is included in the appendix to assist in tracking membership status and awards.

Product Details

Format: paperback
Pages: 80
Size: 5½ x 8½
Publisher: Gospel Publishing House
Pub. Date: December 4, 2020

Table of Contents

1. The Frontiersmen Camping Fellowship Experience
2. The Purpose and Ideals of Frontiersmen Camping Fellowship
3. Structure, Leadership, and Terminology
4. Frontiersmen Camping Fellowship Events
5. Membership and the Trail of the Grizzly
6. The Trappers Brigade
7. Missions Partners
8. Sponsorship
9. The Lifelong Trail

APPENDIX: Logbooks
Boy’s FCF Logbook
Leader’s FCF Logbook

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