• My Healthy Church
  • Elements of a Christian Worldview
Elements of a Christian Worldview
Elements of a Christian Worldview
Item: 020491
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compiled and edited by Michael D. Palmer

The intriguing exploration of how our faith applies to every area of our lives. Each chapter is written by a different author who discusses how faith interacts with an academic discipline, everyday life issue, or cultural issue. It encourages you to think about and cement your own worldview according to God’s truths.

Paper. 514 pages.

Special feature: Several informative, mini-essays familiarize students with theologians, philosophers, sociologists, and other key figures, such as: Hobbes, Locke, Arthur Holmes, Marx, Sartre, Camus, Homer; Sophocles, C.S. Lewis, Chagall, Plato, Justin Martyr, Athanasus of Alexandria, Augustine, Benedict of Nursia, Aquinas; Catherine of Sienna, Luther, Calvin, John Edwards, John Wesley, Karl Barth, Carl F. H. Henry, Aristotle, William of Ockham, Bacon, Galileo, Isaac Newton, Einstein, Johann Herbart, Wilhelm Wundt, Descartes, Freud, Skinner, Maslow, Auguste Comte, Emile Durkheim, Dorothy Sayers, Mead, Max Weber, Gregory of Nyssa, Frances Schaeffer, Chesterton, Milton, and Shakespeare.

Sample questions: Each chapter concludes with questions for students. Here are a few questions extracted from various chapters:

1. In the section entitled “Human Work and God’s Curse,” Volf describes the curse associated with the Fall. How does he relate the curse to human work?

2. What are the predominant images accompanying the coming of the Holy Spirit on the Day of Pentecost (Acts 2:1-4)? Explain how C.S. Lewis used these images in the creation of Narnia in The Magician’s Nephew.

3. Describe the basic differences among experimental, clinical, and humanistic psychology.

4. Why is experience important to a worldview? What is the relationship of experience to ideology?

5. What is the “transformational model” that the author describes? How does it exemplify the doctrines of Creation and the Fall? Describe how it might work when applied to a process such as television or film production.

View a sample excerpt taken from the book.

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Publisher: Logion Press
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